
Posts tagged with 'Patches':

Rails Range end-exclusive range conditions patch

Rails db:schema:dump after db:migrate:redo patch

I've submitted another patch to Rails for a minor-but-annoying bug – if you use db:migrate:redo you'll find that it does migrate correctly but the schema dump afterwards doesn't work, so db:test:prepare clones the wrong structure (for example).


Rails 2.1 eager loading doubleup bug

I've created Rails lighthouse ticket #1110 for another bug in the new 2.1.x association preloading code that was causing some has_manys to get loaded with two copies of each record in the collection (and less seriously, double SQL loads of all types of collections).


Rails 2.1 eager loading conditions hash bugfix

I've created Rails lighthouse ticket #1101 for a blatant 2.1.x bug breaking :including of associations that have :conditions hashes.
